Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Assignment 3

Research and find examples of Scale and Proportion and add the examples to your blog. Write a post about your examples.
Make sure your examples are relative to Multimedia and Graphic Design.

Proportion Examples


  • Proportion and Scale are Related
  • Proportion = size relationship to the whole design
  • Scale = size relationship from one element to another


  • size relationships in a composition
  • underlying, transparent
  • square, vertical and horizontal rectangle, affects quality of a design
  • Books and posters = vertical
  • CD cover = square

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Assignment 2

Research and find examples of Hierarchy and add the examples to your blog. Write a post about your examples.


  • arranged order
  • importance, emphasis, and movement
  • dominant to subordinate
  • the path the viewer eye takes as it scans then studies the design

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Principles and Elements of Design

  • the art of arranging pictographic and typographic elements to create effective communication.
  • principles provide a structure for combining the common elements of design, by serving as the relationship between the parts or design elements involved.
  • elements – ingredients in a recipe or materials of a house
  • Not a Formula
  • Fluid – guided by your sense of intuition, reason, and aesthetic
  • Individually, limited use
  • When skillfully combined, forms something useful
  • Add creativity