Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Assignment 3

Research and find examples of Scale and Proportion and add the examples to your blog. Write a post about your examples.
Make sure your examples are relative to Multimedia and Graphic Design.

Proportion Examples


  • Proportion and Scale are Related
  • Proportion = size relationship to the whole design
  • Scale = size relationship from one element to another


  • size relationships in a composition
  • underlying, transparent
  • square, vertical and horizontal rectangle, affects quality of a design
  • Books and posters = vertical
  • CD cover = square

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Assignment 2

Research and find examples of Hierarchy and add the examples to your blog. Write a post about your examples.


  • arranged order
  • importance, emphasis, and movement
  • dominant to subordinate
  • the path the viewer eye takes as it scans then studies the design

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Principles and Elements of Design

  • the art of arranging pictographic and typographic elements to create effective communication.
  • principles provide a structure for combining the common elements of design, by serving as the relationship between the parts or design elements involved.
  • elements – ingredients in a recipe or materials of a house
  • Not a Formula
  • Fluid – guided by your sense of intuition, reason, and aesthetic
  • Individually, limited use
  • When skillfully combined, forms something useful
  • Add creativity

Unity and Variety

  • Unity – is overriding principle that is served by all the others
  • Unity controls variety
  • Variety complements Unity
  • Managing variety balances visual contrast
  • Too much variety can be confusing

Assignment 1 - Principles and Elements of Design

Research and find examples of Unity and Variety and add the examples to your blog. Write a post about your examples.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

This is the Official Blog for MD2. Check this blog often to see what is happening in class and to contribute posts and assignments.